Half Coffee

再见 2011

2011 年终总结,原文发在 Opera 博客上,用蹩脚的英语写的,后来 Opera 博客也没了…


谨以此记录逝去的 2011 年,无论这一年过得如何,时间已经成为不可改变的历史。

一年前,还记得我写了一篇“再见 2010”的文章,现在已经是“再见 2011”,时间过得真快。

最近非常忙,每个人都在忙着准备期末考试,我也是,但没有他们那么努力,2011 年之后,我改变了很多,我不太在乎考试了,我对考试没有了感觉,这可能是种错误的想法,但是,这是我真实的感觉,我尊重我的这种感觉^.^

上学期,我挂了 6 门课,只有一门及格。为此我很震惊,我的家人估计更加震惊。那段时间,我想了很多,真的很难受。


上海和我想象的大不相同。天气又热又湿,我一下车,所有的衣服都湿透了。大约早上 7 点,很多商场在那个时候还没有开门,所以我和姐姐就去了她的学校。1 小时车程,花了我们 25 元,真的很贵,于是我知道为什么我姐总是呆在她的学校,不出去购物-_-!!

我住在她曾经工作过的办公室里。实际上不算是办公室,是一些给学校司机的宿舍,房间比较一般,不过好在有空调,所以不用担心炎热的天气,我实在受不了这种炎热的天气。我在上海待了 15 天,一半以上的时间坐在她学校的图书馆里看书或上网。就像我生活在天堂一样,我不需要关心任何事情,感觉很好。其他时候我会在她的学校散步,出去买过一次东西,去了“上海欢乐谷”,我仍然记得那段时间,没有烦恼,只有快乐。为什么不能一直这样???



就假设 2011 年是从夏天开始的吧。在上海长途旅行之后,我回到了学校。


我开始学习了。这个学期比上学期轻松,每周只有 5 节课,其中 4 节课不重要,所以不需要花太多时间在那些课上(但最后我还是花了很多时间在那些课上),现在这些课基本都要完了。




大约在 2008 年的某个时候,我读过一本书,书中写到 2012 年也许是世界末日,很多人会死去,我仍然想以我的方式继续我的生活。


why “see you”? why not “Goodbye”? To me ,it’s quite the same . And ,I don’t think I can meet another 2011 again ,so whatever ,just a sign to say 2011 is over.

one year ago ,I can remember clearly that I wrote a post named “good bye 2010”,now it’s “see you 2011”..how fast time passes . It’s really busy recently ,everyone is busy to study to prepare the final exam , me too ,but I’m not so hard , after 2011,I changed a lot, I don’t care it so much ,and i have no feelings about exam,maybe i was wrong ,but , I respect my mind ^.^

last semester , I failed 6 exams,only one passed.it shocks me a lot ,and my families too. during that time ,I thought a lot ,it’s really pain. I didn’t have a good holiday . I was pretend to find a job and earn some money and don’t go home to pass the holiday.finally ,I gave up finding a job,and went home 2days later. didn’t stay at home for long,I went to shanghai later with my sis,she want to study at school and join a exam. With no extra preparation,I just buy too tickets and packaged some personal stuff and then get in the train.

Shanghai is very diff from what I thought it might be.It’s really hot and wet,and as soon as i get off from the train,all my clothes became wet.It’s about 7:00 am,many markets didn’t open at that time,so me and sis just went to her school.1 hours drive,spent us 25yuan,really expensive.And then I know why my sis always staying at her school and don’t go out much for shopping -_-!! I live in her office which she used to work in.It’s not a office actually,just some buildings build for school drivers,the room there is not good as dormitory,but the good thing is there have air-conditioning so I don’t need to care about the hot weather,which I really can’t stand. I spent 15days in shanghai ,above half time sitting in her school library reading books or spent time on internet.It’s like that I live in heaven ,I don’t need to care about anything,It really feels good.other time I just walk in her school,and shopped once,and went to “Shanghai Happy Valley”,I can still remember that time , no worries ,just happiness.Why couldn’t be that all the time?????

I keep thinking this question for a very long time ,till now,I’m still thinking.China is a big country ,for me ,It’s a very unhappy country, as some one says,People in China just know study and work ,they spend their hole life to work just for a big house,and then marry someone,make some children,everyone all do that,they don’t even know what happy is..I agree with that,and i think it’s the reason why people in china have few creativity,they go through too less TRUE life,they can’t find the beauty around them,all they know is just work,and work ,and work! I don’t want to be one of them,I want to travel the world and then ,maybe settled in some foreign country,and do some simple jobs like server or paint or repair computers(which what I am really good at),I have too many interest ,so i can do many things if i want to.

I didn’t remember things before the summer,and it’s no need to,too many painful days.

so ,just pretend that 2011 is start form the summer. After the long trip in shanghai.I went back to my school.

nothing changed,still the unclear air,the grain sky ,dirty school.

I started to study some.this semester is more relax then last semester,I have just 5 classes ,and 4 of them is none important,so I don’t need to spent much time on those(but finally i still spent a lot time on those) ,now ,it’s almost over.

As a student living far away from home,life is just go to class and go back to dormitory,with refectory,three point line.

2012.1.1,a very normal day.spent a lot of time to sleep ,then do some readings,that’s my day.

I thought it’s necessary to spend some time to write this post.

Actually i believe in 2012,about some time in 2008,I read a book refer this ,I believe that,maybe the world will go to an end and lots of people died,I still want to live my life in my way.
