Half Coffee

my 1st day fight against neurasthenic


neurasthenic in Chinese is 神经衰弱,it first used by Americans in 1869,The term had been used at least as early as 1829 to label a mechanical weakness of the actual nerves .Neurasthenia is currently a diagnosis in the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases. However, it is no longer included as a diagnosis in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

the main symptoms is one will be very tired all day even he sleep more than 10 hours per day,can't focus on one thing longer than 10 min,fell fatigue with no reason,insomnia because think too much in the bed..

sounds terrible right, I'm in this situation for about 3 years and just find it was a mental illness,I always thought I feel so stress(mental and physical) all day is because I sleep too late in night(abt 2AM) and wake up so early (some time 7AM,some 9am),but I do take snap during day ,1-4 hours maybe.then yesterday when I read a psychology book and found i'm ill!!!

This could be good, "the worst thing is you don't know you have a problem ",,now I'm ready to fight it!

this is my 1st day,the main treatment methods is SEE A DOCTOR,then MEDICINE ,combine them,I can be my own DOCTOR and can change my life style as medicine.

Since I know i feel tired is not because I sleep less,no need to sleep too much,when i fell tired at day time ,have coffee,this is my MEDICINE~~

About sleep well,I run every night so can get really tired,then drink milk every night,I find eat a lot (not eat a "lot"but eat "a lot")helps with my sleep, I will feel hungry at midnight.

About concentrate on one thing~~working on it now,still got no way,still think a lot when really need to focus…

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